full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Peter Tyack: The intriguing sound of marine mammals

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And I'm happy to say that there are several very promising developments in this area, looking at the impact of shipping on whales. In terms of the shipping noise, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations has femord a group whose job is to eaislbsth guidelines for quieting sihps, to tell the industry how you could quiet ships. And they've already found that by being more ieetlgnlnit about better propeller design, you can reduce that noise by 90 percent. If you actually insulate and isolate the machinery of the ship from the hull, you can reduce that noise by 99 percent. So at this point, it's primarily an issue of cost and srdadatns. If this gorup can establish standards, and if the shipbuilding industry adptos them for building new ships, we can now see a gradual decline in this potential problem.

Open Cloze

And I'm happy to say that there are several very promising developments in this area, looking at the impact of shipping on whales. In terms of the shipping noise, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations has ______ a group whose job is to _________ guidelines for quieting _____, to tell the industry how you could quiet ships. And they've already found that by being more ___________ about better propeller design, you can reduce that noise by 90 percent. If you actually insulate and isolate the machinery of the ship from the hull, you can reduce that noise by 99 percent. So at this point, it's primarily an issue of cost and _________. If this _____ can establish standards, and if the shipbuilding industry ______ them for building new ships, we can now see a gradual decline in this potential problem.


  1. formed
  2. intelligent
  3. group
  4. standards
  5. establish
  6. ships
  7. adopts

Original Text

And I'm happy to say that there are several very promising developments in this area, looking at the impact of shipping on whales. In terms of the shipping noise, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations has formed a group whose job is to establish guidelines for quieting ships, to tell the industry how you could quiet ships. And they've already found that by being more intelligent about better propeller design, you can reduce that noise by 90 percent. If you actually insulate and isolate the machinery of the ship from the hull, you can reduce that noise by 99 percent. So at this point, it's primarily an issue of cost and standards. If this group can establish standards, and if the shipbuilding industry adopts them for building new ships, we can now see a gradual decline in this potential problem.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
blue whale 3
east coast 3
west coast 3
frequency range 3
international maritime 3
maritime organization 3
marine mammals 2
baleen whales 2
captive dolphins 2
contact calls 2
distinctive whistles 2
social group 2
long ranges 2
song birds 2
humpback song 2
whale call 2
potential problem 2
thousand kilometers 2
contact call 2
noise band 2
south atlantic 2
shipping lanes 2
shipping company 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
international maritime organization 3

Important Words

  1. adopts
  2. area
  3. building
  4. cost
  5. decline
  6. design
  7. developments
  8. establish
  9. formed
  10. gradual
  11. group
  12. guidelines
  13. happy
  14. hull
  15. impact
  16. industry
  17. insulate
  18. intelligent
  19. international
  20. isolate
  21. issue
  22. job
  23. machinery
  24. maritime
  25. nations
  26. noise
  27. organization
  28. percent
  29. point
  30. potential
  31. primarily
  32. problem
  33. promising
  34. propeller
  35. quiet
  36. quieting
  37. reduce
  38. ship
  39. shipbuilding
  40. shipping
  41. ships
  42. standards
  43. terms
  44. united
  45. whales